Sample id |
common_voice_fr_19778580 |
Source Text |
En agriculture, une bonne analyse de sol est nécessaire afin de corriger d'éventuelles anomalies. |
Reference Text |
in agriculture a good soil analysis is paramount to correct possible anomalies |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Sample id |
common_voice_fr_19764139 |
Source Text |
Cette élection marque le retour progressif à la légalité constitutionnelle de ce pays. |
Reference Text |
this election marks the gradual return to constitutional equality of this country |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Sample id |
common_voice_fr_17302081 |
Source Text |
La question du déficit structurel revient régulièrement. |
Reference Text |
the question of the structural deficit is recurrent |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Sample id |
common_voice_fr_17320839 |
Source Text |
Le budget deux mille treize a ainsi confirmé les orientations que nous avions actées. |
Reference Text |
the two thousand and thirteen budget consequently confirms the approaches that we have taken note of |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Sample id |
common_voice_fr_17323653 |
Source Text |
L’avis de la commission est donc défavorable sur ces deux amendements. |
Reference Text |
the committee's opinion is thus unfavorable for those two amendments |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Sample id |
common_voice_fr_19744870 |
Source Text |
Avant la fusion des communes, Rouge-Thier faisait partie de la commune de Louveigné. |
Reference Text |
before the fusion of the towns rouge thier was a part of the town of louveigne |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Sample id |
common_voice_fr_19767166 |
Source Text |
Le nom de ce comté provient de l'ancien gouverneur territorial du Nebraska William Richardson. |
Reference Text |
the name of this county comes from the former territorial governor of nebraska william richardson |
Source Audio |
Segment: Offline |
Output |
Segment: 2560ms |
Real-time |
Output |
Segment: 320ms |
Real-time |
Output |